Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Insanity Fit Test 2!

So, as I'm sitting here drinking my P90X Results & Recovery Drink - The BEST post workout Companion (; ...I'm going to share Mine & Danny's 2nd Fit Test with Ya'll!! Just like before they'll be like this - Danny's/Mine.....

Switch Kicks - 65/50 ...   25/10 Improvement 
Power Jacks - 50/45 ...   20/21 Improvement
Power Knees - 60/50 ...   20/10 Improvement 
Power Jumps - 21/16 ...   2/12 Improvement 
Globe Jumps - 8/6 ...        1/1 Improvement
Suicide Jumps - 12/8 ...     2/0 Improvement
Low Plank Oblique - 55/35 ...  5/15 Improvement

So, there ya have it! Stay tuned for our next Fit Test in 15 Days, and more about our results, healthy recipes, and more!

Want to try Insanity for yourself?! Click Here! then click Shop!

Monday, March 26, 2012

The INSANITY of it all!

So, I just finished week 2 of Insanity!! OH.EM.GEE Ya'll!! I have lost 8 lbs in 16 days!! ( I added Shakeology back into my day 2 days before starting Insanity! ) Insanity is just an amazing program, and soo much Fun!! My husband and I both are absolutely LOVING it!  Today is our rest day and we will begin week 3 with another Fit Test! I'm excited to see how much we have improved! I will be posting about them tomorrow, so be sure and check back!!

Want to give Insanity and Shakeology a try?

Just click Shop!

You can purchase these as a Challenge Pack, they'll come together, along with a 30 day Free Trial of Club Membership - Just Click Challenge Packs.

If you would like to try Insanity, or Shakeology by their selves you have that option as well (:

If you would like Free Coaching, I would LOVE to help you!! Just sign up for a Free Team Beachbody Membership! Just click the link above! 

Also, send me a Friend Request on Facebook! Melissa McGuffey

You can also email me: ShapeUpWithMelissaM@Gmail.com

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Challenge Packs!

Beachbody has put together some AMAZING Challenge Packs to help you reach your Fitness Goals!! They Include - A Program, 1st 30 Day Supply of Shakeology Click here to learn more about Shakeology, a 30 Day FREE Trial of Club Membership, and your own Personal Coach ( Free )! Check out the Challenge Packs below!!

These packs provide you with everything you need to get started! All you have to bring, is Your DEDICATION & DETERMINATION to reach those Goals!! I'm here to help, support, and motivate you!

If you decide to become a Coach, your Start Up Fee ( $39.95 ) is Waived when you purchase a Challenge Pack at the time of sign up! You will also receive 25% discount on your Future Purchases!

There is also a $14.95 a month fee for your Two Websites ( provided by Beachbody ). Coaches EARN 25% commission on all sales made through our Websites! *Note - You do not have to "work the business" if you don't want to! You can sign as a Coach to get discounts on your own Programs, and Products. Even with the $14.95 a month, you will still save $15 a month on Shakeology!

So are you Ready to start writing Your Success Story?!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free Coaching!

Do you need some extra support, motivation, and help reaching your fitness goals? As a Team Beachbody Coach, I do just that! - For Free! 

The advantages of having a Coach:

 100% support. Knowing someone has your back when you're having a bad day.
 Having someone to go to when you have a question, or are struggling to find motivation. 
Accountability. This is and was a big one for me. It's easy to not workout, or eat right, when the only person expecting to hear about it, are ourselves. 
Someone taking the time to get to know you - finding out what you struggle with, and what you excel at. Coaches help you find a way to overcome your struggles, and celebrate your success'!
We share our tips, and recipes for amazing food, and reaching goals. What has worked for us, and what hasn't. 
And so much more!

Would you like to have me as your Coach? I would love to get to know you, and help you reach your fitness goals! Just Click Here for your Free Team Beachbody Membership
Then, find me on Facebook Melissa McGuffey

Would you like to be a Coach Yourself? 

If you, or your Spouse are Active Military, this is FREE for you!

Under Sponsor Information you just need to include:
*Melissa McGuffey
*Coach ID# 119782

Be sure and Email me at the above address to let me know you are joining my Team!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Insanity Fit Test

So, My husband and I did the Insanity Fit Test last night. We will do our first workout tonight ( waiting for our daughters to fall asleep as I type, then time to press play! ). I don't think we did too bad on the fit test. The hardest one for me is the Push Up Jack..I was only able to do 6 -- haha! I'm not too bad at regular push ups, but Dang!! Add that Jack in there and it's a whole different Ball Game!  I want to share our First Fit Test Results with Ya'll (: ...First number will be my Husband Danny's, 2nd Number will be mine.


Switch Kicks - 40/40
Power Jacks - 30/24
Power Knees - 60/50
Power Jumps - 19/14
Globe Jumps - 7/5
Suicide Jumps - 10/8
Push-Up Jacks - 26/6
Low Plank Oblique - 50/20

Our next fit test will be in 2 weeks, I can't wait to see how we improve!! I'm excited about this whole Program, it's Fast, Fun, and ... well ... INSANE! I hope you'll follow us these next 60 Days and see exactly what Insanity does for us!

Want to try Insanity for yourself? Click Here!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Day of Healthy Eats

As I mentioned in my last Results post, I struggled with eating right 100% of the time, which I think is completely normal. I was at about 50%. Now, I'd say I'm at about 80% ... working my way to 90% ( I have to have my cheat meals! ) Which I want to keep to 1 meal a week, for now. At least while I'm in the "in it to win it" ... well..."in it to lose it" would be more fitting. I took pix all day today to show how I'm eating ... I'll post more each week.

                                                Breakfast ........

Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology! This is both Mine & my Husband's. We're not Vegan, so I used - 10 oz of low fat Milk, 4 oz of Strawberry Activia Yogurt, 1 Banana, and 1 Scoop of Shakeology, then we spilt it, as you see here! It was soo yummie!! As a matter of fact, I don't know that I'll make it the rest of the night without having another!


That's my water that I carry with me at all times! If it's not this, it's in my big ol' Shaker Cup! I keep it within Arm's reach at all times, and keep it full ... You'll never see an empty container sitting next to me. When you keep water in something next to you, you will "mindlessly" drink. Kind of like that "mindless" snacking that will get us in trouble .. if it's the wrong snack! Also, green grapes! I LOVE these! I had these as a snack twice today! After breakfast, and after lunch! 
Speaking of Lunch ............

This is scrambled eggs with a little cheese, Turkey on the bottom, wrapped in a Whole Wheat Tortilla. I also added hot sauce after I took the pic. My hubby had the same thing, only he had his on Whole Wheat Bread, he doesn't care for the Tortilla. I also had grapes to go with this too - Yea, I was digging the grapes today (;

Dinner ..........

3 oz of boneless ( lean ) Rosemary Pork Chop, Rosemary Oven Roasted Red Potatoes, and Purple Hull Peas, with a little raw Onion to go with the Peas ( it's a Southern Thing ) (; 

For the Pork Chop, I seasoned it with Kosher Salt, Rosemary, Onion Powder, and Cracked Black Pepper, and put them in the Iron Skillet ( I ADORE my Iron Skillet! ) with 2 TBS Olive Oil I cooked them on high at first to get them going, then turned them way down so the flavors could caramelize - YUM

For the Potatoes, I drizzled a little Olive Oil, and sprinkled them with Kosher Salt and Cracked Black Pepper and roasted them in the oven on 400 till they were soft.

It was AMAZINGLY good!! You def don't have to have unhealthy food, to have delicious food! You just have to find other ways to make it yummie! Herbs & Seasonings are a MUST ( just be careful with salt )

I hope you enjoy these recipes if you try them! And if you'd like to learn more about Shakeology or get your own Click Here

Monday, March 12, 2012

Results - Chapter One!

After a round of P90X, during which I struggled to eat right, I still seen some pretty great results. I did manage to eat right more times than not, but sometimes!! ... I'm sure we've all experienced those moments! But, we keep moving forward, making better choices everyday. I seen the biggest changes in my first 30 days, after that, I seen amazing changes in strength, and endurance ... energy, and just over all feeling great!! Here are my first set of results .........

I learned that I can do things that seem IMPOSSIBLE! I surprised myself so many times with new found strength, the ability to go longer, and faster, and harder. The first time I was able to make it through Plyometrics ... I was on top of the world!!  I felt soo accomplished! The energy I have now is incredible! I can chase my kids ( 4 & 1 ) around, without getting tired in the first 10 minutes! After a hard workout, I still had enough energy to chase them through the house, taking turns with one of them on my shoulders! There is nothing like hearing the giggling and laughing of your kids, and "This is fun, Mommy!!" I absolutely LOVE it!

Now, the first week of P90X was so hard! I was sore ( but not as sore as I could be!! ) I'll tell you how I kept from being so sore in a minute! The only time I wasn't sore, was DURING my workouts! So don't think, "I'm too sore to workout today, I'm going to have to skip" You don't!! Just get up, press Play! I promise you'll feel great!! Unless you have really injured yourself, then you should defiantly consult your Doc and heal! Now, on to how I kept from being so sore .............

This is my P90X Results & Recovery Drink!! It is AMAZING!! It helps your muscles recover quicker! Plus, it tastes incredible!! Those Orange Sorbet Push Ups? Yep! That's what this tastes like! You can even make Popsicles out of these ( which I haven't done yet ) to have after your workout! I like mine in a Shaker Cup, with TONS of ice to make it icy cold! 

Another amazing thing I have added to my line up is Energy & Endurance! It's Beachbody's new Pre-Workout Formula, that helps give you the Energy & Endurance ( hence the name! ) to power you through your workouts!  There is also NO JITTERS at all! I describe it as a great 2nd wind to start your workout with! It tastes great as well! Lemon Lime!

So, whats next for me? ..............

Along with .........

New Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology!! This tastes like a Strawberry Milkshake!!

I start Insanity tomorrow, March 13th! I'm ready to Dig Deep, and be ready for Bikini Season!

Stay Tuned for updates and pictures!

So, would you like to join me? I have a New Beachbody Challenge Group Starting March 20th!! We will be using the Amazing Challenge Packs Beachbody has put together - which include: a Program, 1st Month of Shakeology HD ( home direct ), and a 30 day Free Trial of Club Membership with Team Beachbody! Also, Me as your Coach! I will help, support, and motivate you to reach your fitness goals!

You can join my Challenge by Getting your Challenge Pack - just click Take the Beachbody Challenge! ( on the right of the page )
Also, find me on Facebook Melissa McGuffey
Or send me an Email - ShapeUpWithMelissaM@Gmail.com

So, where will you be in 30, 60, 90 Days?


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Military Discount!

Beachbody® is excited to offer this great program for Coaches who are actively serving in our military. If you're an active member of the military and newly enrolling as a Team Beachbody Coach, the cost of your Business Starter Kit ($39.95) and your monthly business service fee will be waived for the duration of your active duty orders.

Coaches get 25% off all Beachbody Products, and make 25% Commission. Active Military get to take advantage of this amazing opportunity, Free!

If you would like to be a Beachbody Coach, all you need to do is Download & Print these two forms:

Fill out the form and fax all paperwork
Under Sponsor Information, all you need to include is:

*Melissa McGuffey
*Coach ID# 119782

Email me at: Shapeupwithmelissam@gmail.com to let me know you are joining my Team!

Military Coach FAQs

What is the Beachbody® Military program for our Independent Team 
Beachbody® Coaches?

Beachbody is excited to offer this great program for our Coaches who are 
actively serving in our military. If you are an active member of the military and 
newly enrolling as a Beachbody Coach, the cost of your business starter kit 
($39.95) and your monthly business service fee will be waived for the duration of 
your active duty orders. If you are already a Beachbody Coach and on active 
duty, your monthly business service fee will be waived for the duration of your 
active duty orders. In either case, if your active orders have no stated end date, 
your business service fee will be waived for a minimum of two years.

I'm a Beachbody Coach and I've got friends in the military who would like to 
enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. What's my next step?

It's always a great idea to share as much information about this opportunity with 
your prospective Coach prior to their enrollment. Giving them a chance to 
review more about being a Coach can help ensure they're well-informed. Once 
they've decided to join our Coach network, you'll want them to complete the 
Coach application, and submit the completed Coach application, together 
with a copy of their active duty orders, to our Coach Relations team for further 
review and processing. Paperwork may be submitted to our secure fax at (213) 
201-7225 or by email to coachrelations@teambeachbody.com. If we need any 
further information to verify a new Coach's active duty status, we will reach out 
to them directly.

I'm active military and I'd like to become an Independent Team Beachbody 
Coach. How do I enroll?

Please complete the Coach application, and submit the completed Coach 
application, together with a copy of your active duty orders or any suitable 
verification of your active duty status to our Coach Relations team for further 
review and processing. Paperwork may be submitted to our secure fax at (213) 
201-7225 or by email to coachrelations@teambeachbody.com. If we need any 
further information to verify a new Coach's active duty status, we will reach out 
to you directly.

Both my spouse and I are active military. May we both enroll as Independent 
Team Beachbody Coaches and have our fees waived?

Yes, if you and your spouse are both active military, you may each enroll as an 
Independent Team Beachbody Coach, and each of you is eligible to have your 
basic enrollment fee of $39.95 and your monthly business service fee waived.
Both of you will need to complete our Coach application and submit the 
application along with the verification of your active status.

I'm active duty military however my spouse would like to enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Is this possible?

Yes, absolutely. If you are active duty military and are not a Beachbody Coach, 
your spouse is welcome to take advantage of this benefit. If your spouse is 
enrolling as a Coach rather than you, your spouse will need to submit a copy of 
your active duty orders or other suitable paperwork, in order to qualify for this 
waiver. In this particular case, the name on the Coach account will be the 
enrolling spouse.

I'm active duty military. Can anyone other than my spouse enroll as a Coach 
based on my status?

No. As an active member of the military, either you or your spouse may enroll as 
an Independent Team Beachbody Coach to take advantage of this waiver of 
standard fees. If you and your spouse both wish to enroll as Independent Team 
Beachbody Coaches, and only one of you is an active member of the military, 
only one of you would qualify to have your standard enrollment fee of $39.95 
and your monthly business service fee waived.

I'm active duty military and I'm already an Independent Team Beachbody 
Coach. What's next for me?

Please submit a copy of your active duty orders or other suitable verification of 
your active duty status, (feel free to use the Coach Application Fax Cover page 
available HERE) to our Coach Relations team. Upon further verification of your 
active duty status, we will waive your monthly business service fee for the 
duration of your active duty orders. Please note that your initial business starter kit 
charges are not eligible to be refunded.

What do you mean when you say I have to be active duty military to qualify for 
this benefit? 

At the time you submit your Coach application, we will also need you to include 
a copy of your active duty orders or other suitable verification of your status, 
from your branch of service. Your active duty orders will likely include a start and 
end date. Based upon the end date given, your monthly business service fee will 
be waived during that time period. If you are reassigned to active duty at a later 
date please contact our Coach Relations team for further instructions.

If you have more extensive questions regarding whether or not you are eligible 
for this program, please contact our Compliance department at: 