Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Day of Healthy Eats

As I mentioned in my last Results post, I struggled with eating right 100% of the time, which I think is completely normal. I was at about 50%. Now, I'd say I'm at about 80% ... working my way to 90% ( I have to have my cheat meals! ) Which I want to keep to 1 meal a week, for now. At least while I'm in the "in it to win it" ... well..."in it to lose it" would be more fitting. I took pix all day today to show how I'm eating ... I'll post more each week.

                                                Breakfast ........

Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology! This is both Mine & my Husband's. We're not Vegan, so I used - 10 oz of low fat Milk, 4 oz of Strawberry Activia Yogurt, 1 Banana, and 1 Scoop of Shakeology, then we spilt it, as you see here! It was soo yummie!! As a matter of fact, I don't know that I'll make it the rest of the night without having another!


That's my water that I carry with me at all times! If it's not this, it's in my big ol' Shaker Cup! I keep it within Arm's reach at all times, and keep it full ... You'll never see an empty container sitting next to me. When you keep water in something next to you, you will "mindlessly" drink. Kind of like that "mindless" snacking that will get us in trouble .. if it's the wrong snack! Also, green grapes! I LOVE these! I had these as a snack twice today! After breakfast, and after lunch! 
Speaking of Lunch ............

This is scrambled eggs with a little cheese, Turkey on the bottom, wrapped in a Whole Wheat Tortilla. I also added hot sauce after I took the pic. My hubby had the same thing, only he had his on Whole Wheat Bread, he doesn't care for the Tortilla. I also had grapes to go with this too - Yea, I was digging the grapes today (;

Dinner ..........

3 oz of boneless ( lean ) Rosemary Pork Chop, Rosemary Oven Roasted Red Potatoes, and Purple Hull Peas, with a little raw Onion to go with the Peas ( it's a Southern Thing ) (; 

For the Pork Chop, I seasoned it with Kosher Salt, Rosemary, Onion Powder, and Cracked Black Pepper, and put them in the Iron Skillet ( I ADORE my Iron Skillet! ) with 2 TBS Olive Oil I cooked them on high at first to get them going, then turned them way down so the flavors could caramelize - YUM

For the Potatoes, I drizzled a little Olive Oil, and sprinkled them with Kosher Salt and Cracked Black Pepper and roasted them in the oven on 400 till they were soft.

It was AMAZINGLY good!! You def don't have to have unhealthy food, to have delicious food! You just have to find other ways to make it yummie! Herbs & Seasonings are a MUST ( just be careful with salt )

I hope you enjoy these recipes if you try them! And if you'd like to learn more about Shakeology or get your own Click Here

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