Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Insanity Fit Test 2!

So, as I'm sitting here drinking my P90X Results & Recovery Drink - The BEST post workout Companion (; ...I'm going to share Mine & Danny's 2nd Fit Test with Ya'll!! Just like before they'll be like this - Danny's/Mine.....

Switch Kicks - 65/50 ...   25/10 Improvement 
Power Jacks - 50/45 ...   20/21 Improvement
Power Knees - 60/50 ...   20/10 Improvement 
Power Jumps - 21/16 ...   2/12 Improvement 
Globe Jumps - 8/6 ...        1/1 Improvement
Suicide Jumps - 12/8 ...     2/0 Improvement
Low Plank Oblique - 55/35 ...  5/15 Improvement

So, there ya have it! Stay tuned for our next Fit Test in 15 Days, and more about our results, healthy recipes, and more!

Want to try Insanity for yourself?! Click Here! then click Shop!

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