Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Insanity Fit Test

So, My husband and I did the Insanity Fit Test last night. We will do our first workout tonight ( waiting for our daughters to fall asleep as I type, then time to press play! ). I don't think we did too bad on the fit test. The hardest one for me is the Push Up Jack..I was only able to do 6 -- haha! I'm not too bad at regular push ups, but Dang!! Add that Jack in there and it's a whole different Ball Game!  I want to share our First Fit Test Results with Ya'll (: ...First number will be my Husband Danny's, 2nd Number will be mine.


Switch Kicks - 40/40
Power Jacks - 30/24
Power Knees - 60/50
Power Jumps - 19/14
Globe Jumps - 7/5
Suicide Jumps - 10/8
Push-Up Jacks - 26/6
Low Plank Oblique - 50/20

Our next fit test will be in 2 weeks, I can't wait to see how we improve!! I'm excited about this whole Program, it's Fast, Fun, and ... well ... INSANE! I hope you'll follow us these next 60 Days and see exactly what Insanity does for us!

Want to try Insanity for yourself? Click Here!

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