Monday, March 12, 2012

Results - Chapter One!

After a round of P90X, during which I struggled to eat right, I still seen some pretty great results. I did manage to eat right more times than not, but sometimes!! ... I'm sure we've all experienced those moments! But, we keep moving forward, making better choices everyday. I seen the biggest changes in my first 30 days, after that, I seen amazing changes in strength, and endurance ... energy, and just over all feeling great!! Here are my first set of results .........

I learned that I can do things that seem IMPOSSIBLE! I surprised myself so many times with new found strength, the ability to go longer, and faster, and harder. The first time I was able to make it through Plyometrics ... I was on top of the world!!  I felt soo accomplished! The energy I have now is incredible! I can chase my kids ( 4 & 1 ) around, without getting tired in the first 10 minutes! After a hard workout, I still had enough energy to chase them through the house, taking turns with one of them on my shoulders! There is nothing like hearing the giggling and laughing of your kids, and "This is fun, Mommy!!" I absolutely LOVE it!

Now, the first week of P90X was so hard! I was sore ( but not as sore as I could be!! ) I'll tell you how I kept from being so sore in a minute! The only time I wasn't sore, was DURING my workouts! So don't think, "I'm too sore to workout today, I'm going to have to skip" You don't!! Just get up, press Play! I promise you'll feel great!! Unless you have really injured yourself, then you should defiantly consult your Doc and heal! Now, on to how I kept from being so sore .............

This is my P90X Results & Recovery Drink!! It is AMAZING!! It helps your muscles recover quicker! Plus, it tastes incredible!! Those Orange Sorbet Push Ups? Yep! That's what this tastes like! You can even make Popsicles out of these ( which I haven't done yet ) to have after your workout! I like mine in a Shaker Cup, with TONS of ice to make it icy cold! 

Another amazing thing I have added to my line up is Energy & Endurance! It's Beachbody's new Pre-Workout Formula, that helps give you the Energy & Endurance ( hence the name! ) to power you through your workouts!  There is also NO JITTERS at all! I describe it as a great 2nd wind to start your workout with! It tastes great as well! Lemon Lime!

So, whats next for me? ..............

Along with .........

New Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology!! This tastes like a Strawberry Milkshake!!

I start Insanity tomorrow, March 13th! I'm ready to Dig Deep, and be ready for Bikini Season!

Stay Tuned for updates and pictures!

So, would you like to join me? I have a New Beachbody Challenge Group Starting March 20th!! We will be using the Amazing Challenge Packs Beachbody has put together - which include: a Program, 1st Month of Shakeology HD ( home direct ), and a 30 day Free Trial of Club Membership with Team Beachbody! Also, Me as your Coach! I will help, support, and motivate you to reach your fitness goals!

You can join my Challenge by Getting your Challenge Pack - just click Take the Beachbody Challenge! ( on the right of the page )
Also, find me on Facebook Melissa McGuffey
Or send me an Email -

So, where will you be in 30, 60, 90 Days?


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