Monday, March 26, 2012

The INSANITY of it all!

So, I just finished week 2 of Insanity!! OH.EM.GEE Ya'll!! I have lost 8 lbs in 16 days!! ( I added Shakeology back into my day 2 days before starting Insanity! ) Insanity is just an amazing program, and soo much Fun!! My husband and I both are absolutely LOVING it!  Today is our rest day and we will begin week 3 with another Fit Test! I'm excited to see how much we have improved! I will be posting about them tomorrow, so be sure and check back!!

Want to give Insanity and Shakeology a try?

Just click Shop!

You can purchase these as a Challenge Pack, they'll come together, along with a 30 day Free Trial of Club Membership - Just Click Challenge Packs.

If you would like to try Insanity, or Shakeology by their selves you have that option as well (:

If you would like Free Coaching, I would LOVE to help you!! Just sign up for a Free Team Beachbody Membership! Just click the link above! 

Also, send me a Friend Request on Facebook! Melissa McGuffey

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