Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free Coaching!

Do you need some extra support, motivation, and help reaching your fitness goals? As a Team Beachbody Coach, I do just that! - For Free! 

The advantages of having a Coach:

 100% support. Knowing someone has your back when you're having a bad day.
 Having someone to go to when you have a question, or are struggling to find motivation. 
Accountability. This is and was a big one for me. It's easy to not workout, or eat right, when the only person expecting to hear about it, are ourselves. 
Someone taking the time to get to know you - finding out what you struggle with, and what you excel at. Coaches help you find a way to overcome your struggles, and celebrate your success'!
We share our tips, and recipes for amazing food, and reaching goals. What has worked for us, and what hasn't. 
And so much more!

Would you like to have me as your Coach? I would love to get to know you, and help you reach your fitness goals! Just Click Here for your Free Team Beachbody Membership
Then, find me on Facebook Melissa McGuffey

Would you like to be a Coach Yourself? 

If you, or your Spouse are Active Military, this is FREE for you!

Under Sponsor Information you just need to include:
*Melissa McGuffey
*Coach ID# 119782

Be sure and Email me at the above address to let me know you are joining my Team!

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