Saturday, May 5, 2012

Your Chance to Win a Victoria's Secret Gift Card!

Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Starts May 21st!!

Leandro Carvalho is the Trainer to Victoria's Secret Models, and his workouts are the reason their booties look so great in Victoria's Secret Lingerie! Join my Challenge and get your Booty Lifted & Sculpted! AND when you join my Challenge you will have a Chance to win a Victoria's Secret Gift Card!!

Just go to the Website listed, and then click Take The Beachbody Challenge!!
Then either Find me on Facebook!

And let me know you're joining my Challenge!

Winner will be chosen by the best transformation/results!
So you will need to take a Before Picture, so you can take an After!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

During the whole Month of May, I will be giving away some great gifts!! Read on to see how you can get one!

In Celebration of May being my Anniversary month ( I'll have been weith the Love of my life for 12 years, and married for 9 on May 8th! ) I'm going to share some love with ya'll! (:

So, here's how to get the Free Gifts! OH! And there is no entering to win, you will receive these gifts for doing the following! ....

Purchase a Challenge pack from me anytime during the Month of MAY! Choose your Program, and it comes with your FIRST month of Shakeology HD ( Home Direct - FREE Shipping! ) and a 30 Day free Trial of Club Membership with Team Beachbody! And of course, my dedication to you, to help you reach your Fitness Goals! Club Memberhsip get's you 10% off all future purchases, including Shakeology! Meal Planner & VIP Access to the Trainers!

What do you get for doing this?! ....

You will receive a Free T Shirt with your Program's Logo on it from me!

Want a BONUS Gift? Join as a Coach! When you sign on as a Coach when you purchase a Challenge pack, your sign up fee of $39.95 is WAIVED! You will receive 25% off all your Future Purchases, and get to earn money helping other get fit!

You will receive a Free Logo-ed Tote Bag along with a Free T Shirt, for signing as a Coach! ....

So what are you waiting for? Here's YOUR Chance to write your own success story!

Read on for the 2nd way to get a free gift! ...

Not ready to dive into a Program yet, but still want to take your Health in the right direction? Great!! ....

Sign up on Shakeology HD ( Home Direct - Free Shipping! ) anytime during the month of May, and receive this Free Shaker Cup!

20oz of Shakeability!! This cup is awesome for on the go, or at home!! Just Blend your Shakeology, and pour it into your Cup before you leave the house, or take your Shakeology with you, and shake it up after you get to work, or where ever you're going! 

So, who am I going to be sending gifts to??

Just visit to get started! Once you have ordered either your Challenge Pack, or Shakeology HD, send me an Email: with your address, and I'll send you your gift!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A few of my Favs!

I wanted to share a few of my Favs with ya'll! ...

My husband brought these home to me a couple nights ago. They're Whole Wheat, and Dill! Seriously? What could be better! They're so amazing and I'm sad my hubby forgot to stop and get more for my snacks.

Sweet Potato Fries! Slice them up, drizzle with a little Olive Oil, roast them on about 450 in the oven, sprinkle with a little kosher salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper! Heaven! 

I LOVE Hot Sauce!! I eat it on almost everything! Including my next fav ...

Oven Fried Chicken!! Who needs a deep fryer when you have an oven?! Marinate your chicken for at least an hour, then add some whole wheat bread crumbs, season your bread crumbs ( I like a little salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder and onion powder ) and pop them in the oven!

Roasted Cauliflower! Olive Oil and a little Paprika, roast on 450 for about 15 minutes or so, till they're tender and slightly golden, sprinkle with a little fresh Parm while they're still pipin hot!

Who doesn't LOVE a Grilled, perfectly seasoned Steak?! Ok, I know some people don't, but I do!

Fresh Dill!! I sprinkle it on everything when I have it! I can not wait till I have some fresh out of our garden! I even eat it by its self! Speaking of Fresh out of the Garden ...

There is nothing better than walking through my Garden and Harvesting all my yummie , beautiful Veggies! And turning them into salads, and canning them!

I love this! Mix it with some Fat Free Sour cream, and have a couple TBS of it with my Veggies! Mmmmm!!

I ADORE my P90X Results & Recovery Formula! It tastes AAMAZING and helps me to not be so sore! It's ONE of the things I LOVE about working out - I get to have this after!

My current Program!! I'm in love with Insanity! Yes, it's hard, but my body craves it and I have had some amazing results!! Down 12 lbs in one month in combo with eating right, which includes ....

My Vegan Tropical Shakeology!! It's Nutrient packed with 70+ High Quality Ingredients! It has improved my energy, my mood, my weight, and I just feel amazing when I drink it.

Energy & Endurance! This helps me push harder in my workouts, and gives me the boost I need! No Crashing or jitters! Just add a scoop to about 6 oz of water about 15-30 minutes before my workout, and I'm good to go!

P90X! This is where my Journey began! It's an amazing program, and I gained so much strength! And who doesn't love Tony Horton?! He's hilarious and makes it fun to workout!

So, there yah have it. A few of my Favs! What are some of your favorite things?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

100 Doctors Don't Lie!

100 Doctors Don't Lie! 
Watch this video, then comment below!

Something to think about.

Shape it up!!

Isn't it time to finally reach those Fitness Goals?! Get in the best shape of your Life!! Have tons of energy and take pride in what your hard work has sculpted your body into? 

Are you Ready? I'm here to Help! I'll support and motivate you every step of the way!

So let's get started!!

Get you FREE Team Beachbody Membership ... ( this will make me your Coach! )

You can also join My Challenge if you're ready!! What better way to get started?! Starts May 6th!!

So, let me ask you this, What do YOU want?! (:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Quick & Healthy ...and Yummie Dinner!

Dinner I made for the Fam today! The kids gobbled it up!!

Uncle Ben's Brown Rice, fresh broccoli, sauteed chicken, low sodium beef broth. Put in the oven and bake till rice and chicken are done. Yum!

Put dry rice in baking dish, add fresh broccoli. Heat up broth of choice ( low sodium ) on the stove to a boil. Sautee  Seasoned Chicken cut up Chicken Breasts in a little olive oil ( they don't have to be cooked through. Pour broth in baking dish with rice and broccoli, add chicken on top. Cover with foil and bake till chicken is cooked through and rice is tender!

Insanity "Recovery" Week

So, Today starts the "Recovery" week of Insanity, before I move into the CRAZY INSANE "Results Month". I have already lost 12 lbs, between Insanity, and Shakeology!! I absolutely love the results I'm getting, and am excited to see what the next Month brings!

I think I might want to do another Round after this! I was going to move on to Tai Cheng ( Tai Chi ), but depending on how far I get with month 2, I may want another round to reach some goals! My favorite thing about Insanity is how fast and fun it is. There's no getting bored at all! If I'm on a treadmill ... I get bored and get off. But with this, I'm having fun the whole way through! And just when I feel like I can't possibly get up and go more, I do! I have come so far in my energy and endurance. I also recover faster. At first, the 30 second breaks seemed soo short! Now, I grab a drink of water, and am ready to get right back in it. I've had an increase in strength too! This might sound silly, but I want to share a little story with ya'll here. ..

My husband used to be a Union Electrician, so he has this Metal Tool Box FULL of tools. I mean, like 5 or 6 different things of each type of tool...pliars..screw drivers...a hand saw...and I don't even know what else. The thing weighs like 60 lbs! Before I started working out back in October ( p90x ), it was all I could do just to move the thing. Danny ( Hubby ) always got a kick out of saying, "pick that thing up" and watching me grunt and whine about how heavy it was. Well, Easter Sunday, we were at his mom's and a friend of his had borrowed his tool box, and then dropped it off there when he was finished. When we were getting ready to leave, we were gathering gifts, kids, a high chair, and the tool box. Danny asked his mom to help me because I had our youngest on one hip, and was going to grab the high chair, and he said "I know I'm the only one able to carry this" talking about his tool box. I took it as a challenge ( haha! ) and I was like here, let me do it. So I picked it up with one hand and started toward our truck with it. I couldn't believe it!! And neither could he! He followed me, carrying the high chair saying "Look at you!!" I carried it all the way up the hill to our truck with our youngest on my other hip! And then set it up in the bed of our truck! I felt soo good about that! To feel how much my strength has improved is just an amazing feeling!! I wasn't even out of breath! After Insanity, everything else just feels EASY!  Nothing like that feeling!

So there's my little Mini Success Story! Just a small entry in the BIG Story I'm writing! I hope ya'll will stay tuned and follow my Journey! And if you want to join me, I can help you get started writing YOUR own Success Story!

Stay Tuned!!

Want to get started writing your own Success Story? Will you let me help you? It's Free!! Just click the link below for your Free Team Beachbody Membership!

Find me on Facebook

And don't forget to Follow Me on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr & Add me on Google +!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

70 + Ultra High Quality Ingredients in Shakeology!

Shakeology isn't just your typical run of the Meal "Protein Shake". Watch this video and see what makes Shakeology so great for your body!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Are You Dehydrated?

Do you ever wonder if you're drinking enough water? 

You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water daily. So, if you weigh 140lbs, you need 70oz of water. 

Some things you eat can either add or take away from that. Veggies and Fruit, especially in raw form, will add. Caffeine, salt, and dry foods such as jerky and crackers, can easily dehydrate you. I always drink more if I have any of those, just to be sure. I also drink more when it's hot, or when I've done a hard workout, which is nearly every day for me ( the hard workout part, anyway ).

Being dehydrated can reek havoc on any attempts to lose weight, build muscle, tone up, get in shape, or whatever your Fitness Goals may be. About 60% of our body is made up of water. It flushes toxins out of our vitals Organs, carries nutrients to our cells, and keep our ears, nose and throat moist. Water is essential, even if we were sedentary ( which, I hope none of you are! ).  Everyday, we lose water through our breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For our bodies to function properly, we need to replenish it's water, by consuming Beverages, and Foods that contain water.

Dehydration Symptoms are:
  •  Dry, sticky mouth
  • Sleepiness or tiredness
  • Thirst
  • Decreased urine output - Urine should be clear
  • Few or no tears when crying
  • Dry skin
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

Severe Dehydration - A medical Emergency - Can cause - 

  • Extreme thirst
  • Extreme fussiness or sleepiness in infants and children; irritability and confusion in adults
  • Very dry mouth, skin and mucous membranes
  • Lack of sweating
  • Little or no urination — any urine that is produced will be dark yellow or amber
  • Sunken eyes
  • Shriveled and dry skin that lacks elasticity and doesn't "bounce back" when pinched into a fold
  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Rapid breathing
  • No tears when crying
  • Fever
  • In the most serious cases, delirium or unconsciousness

What are good Sources of Water, other than Water? Foods High in water, such as Watermelon, and Tomatoes, and other Fruits and Veggies. Milk & Juice are composed mostly of water. Even Beer, wine, and caffeinated beverages contain water, but should be kept to a minimum due to high calories, and caffeine will dehydrate you.

Note* Most of this info came from the Mayo Clinic Website. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Daily Motivation

Never under estimate Yourself! You don't need a short cut, or an "easy way out, or around". Do the thing, work your booty off, and earn your results!

Want my Help? It's FREE! Just sign up Here

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Daily Motivation!

Earn your body!!

Follow my blog for motivation, fitness tips, recipes, and My Journey with Insanity!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shakeology - The Healthiest Meal of the Day!

Not only is Shakeology the Healthiest meal of the day, it's also the EASIEST!! Where else can you get all of these ingredients ( I'll get to them - I promise! ), in ONE, Delicious Glass?! If you are a busy Mom, Dad ... HUMAN .. then Shakeology is for you! And if you're not a busy person, Shakology is STILL for you!

Why?? Because it does amazing things for your Body! Here are just SOME of the things it helps you with ...

Weight Loss
Improved Energy
It's low on the Glycemic Index

*Reduce Cravings
*Lower Cholesterol 
*Reduce Headaches
*Healthier Hair, Skin & Nails
*Improved Mental Clarity
*Balance Blood Sugar
*Weight Loss
*TONS of Energy

*From ACTUAL Shakeology Drinkers! 

This is just a few things Shakeology helps with. The overall feeling of just feeling great is awesome! I have 2 kids ( 4 & 1 ), and I'm able to keep up with them with no problem! I also find I have more patience! And of course, I have lost weight! I've been doing Insanity and drinking my Shakeology everyday for just over 3 weeks, and I've already lost 12lbs!! 

Now, on to those ingredients! 

Impressive, Yes?! 

Now, how can Shakeology work for you?

And, what are Doctors saying about Shakeology?

Here is the Proof that Shakeology works! Want to give it a try for yourself? At just $4 a Shake, the cost of your daily Latte, or lunch from you favorite fast food place, and a 30 day money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose! Except maybe some extra weight! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring into Summer Challenge!!

Join my Spring into Summer Challenge starting April 16th!! Still time to claim your spot and be fit for Shorts & Bikini Weather!!

When you join my Challenge and sign as a Coach, your Start up fee will be waived and I will send you a FREE T Shirt with Your Program Logo on it!!

Need help deciding on which program is best for you? I can help! 
Look me up on Facebook! - Melissa McGuffey

So, will you join me?! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

I LOVE My Job!!

There are sooo many things I LOVE about my "Job". First off, it's not really like a "Job" at all. I get paid to do things I LOVE!! I LOVE working out and being Healthy, and guess what? Beachbody rewards me for that! My Gym ( WOWY Super Gym ) enters me to Win $500 DAILY, just for logging my workouts! I don't know of any other Gym that does that! 

I get to HELP OTHERS get healthy! As a Coach, I'm your go to Fitness Buddy! I support and motivate you to keep going on those days that you feel "It's just not worth it!!" or "It's been a week!! WHAT am I doing wrong??" on the flip side, I celebrate with you when you've taken a step toward your Goals! On my Team, and in my Fitness Group, there are no SMALL steps! Every step is HUGE! Because every step we take toward our Goals, GREATLY impacts our health! So, that extra bottle/glass of water you drank today? That did AMAZING things for your Body! 

I get to stay home with my top 2 reasons for Living - My daughters! I have a 4 year old ( Rielee ) and a 1 year old ( Arya ).  I will never miss anything they do! As a matter of fact, sometimes, one of them is "working" with me. Sitting on my lap as I talk to people, or like right now, as I write this, Rielee is sitting in the floor next to me,  "working on her papers" like Mommy. While Arya plays with toys right in the next room. I will get to take them to school, and pick them up, attend all school events, and never miss a Dance Recital, Dance Class, Soccer Practice, or anything else they might want to do. 

My Husband is in the middle of switching Careers. He is/was a Union Electrician. But, now is in College studying to be a Pilot. In 2011, he was exposed to Asbestos. Something that could have been prevented, had proper safety steps had been taken. I'm sure some of you reading this are familiar with how Construction Jobs are. When you're working, it's great, but when you're not, it's a struggle to keep up with Bills. We don't want to Yo Yo like that for the rest of our lives. So together, we made the decision for a change. In comes College & Beachbody. Together, we are changing our Futures, and our Daughter's Futures. Another thing that inspired this change, is both of our Dad's got sick due to the things they worked in. My Dad passed away of Lung Cancer 2/1/09. His Dad got diagnosed with a Malignant Brain Tumor in 04. He ultimately passed away from a Car Accident, but he suffered with the Brain Tumor, constant meds, headaches, mood swings ..etc.  Both of our Dad's passed way before their time. My dad was 65, his was 52. We don't want our girls losing their Daddy before they absolutely have to.

Being a Coach is helping support us through the pay cut we took so he can change lives. Keep in mind, I'm not making anywhere near what I can, but I'm a pretty new Coach, and it just builds and builds..and builds! It has really taken off this month! I made it to Emerald Coach! This is where things start to sky rocket! When a Coach moves up to Emerald, we start getting Customers handed to us by Beachbody! Here's how that works...

Infomercial customers who say “Yes!” to either joining the Team Beachbody Club™ or to a free membership are then passed to Team Beachbody. A customer account is
created for them and they are assigned to a qualified Emerald or higher-ranking Coach.

To qualify a Coach must ...
  • Must have at least 90 PV Home Direct and/or autoship order(s) produced by you. (ex: Enroll yourself on Shakeology® HD and drink it daily!)
  • Success Club 5: 5 Success Club points required
  • Success Club 10: 10 Success Club points required
  • A minimum of 1 point must come from a new personally sponsored Coach who purchases Home Direct order(s) totaling a minimum of 90 PV within 31 days of signing up


After the customer is placed with me, I then reach out to them, letting them know I'm here to help and support them in reaching their fitness goals! I then get commission on all their Future purchases!

There is also another AMAZING thing about being a Beachbody Coach - 2 words - SUCCESS CLUB!

Here is how we make Success Club:
We need to Earn at least 5 points a month.
We earn points by:
Bringing New Active Coaches onto our team ( 1 -2 points, depending on if they purchase a challenge pack or get started on Shakeology HD )
Selling Challenge Packs - 2 points ( Program + 1st Month Shakeology HD + 30 day free trial of Club Membership )
Enrolling new Shakeoloy HD Customers - 1 Point

Whats so Great about Success Club?

Well, we get more Rewards of course! BIG rewards! 

  • World-class recognition
  • Eligibility for customer lead programs* (includes Shakeology Customer Lead Program, Success Club Lead Program, and Ultimate Reset Lead Program)
  • Every month you qualify for Success Club 5 or 10, you'll be one month closer to earning trip rewards
  • Eligibility for ELITETop Coach of the Year, and ELITE Adventure

Wait? Whats this about TRIP REWARDS? 

Yep! Beachbody rewards Coaches who make Success Club any 9 months out of the year, with a Paid Trip for them AND a Guest!! So, where is the 2013 ( EARNED this Year!! ) Trip to?? .....

Disney!! Who DOESN'T want to go to Disney?! I know I DO! And so do my kids! Well, Rielee does, Arya does too, she just doesn't know it yet! (;

So, are you ready to be your own boss? Earn Limitless Income? Win PAID TRIPS?! It's April, so counting this month, there are 9 months left in this year! YOU could win this trip!! So what are you waiting for?! Let's go to Disney!!

ALSO, when you purchase a Challenge Pack at Sign up, your Start Up fee is WAIVED!! 

Are you or your Spouse Active Military?! Your Start up fee ( $39.95 ) AND your monthly fee ( only $14.95 ) are ALL WAIVED for the duration of Orders! Beachbody's way of saying Thank You, for Your Service!

Coaches who are NOT Active Military - you will pay the $14.95 a month for your two professional websites ( provided by Beachbody ), but even with your fee, you still save $15 a month on Shakeology!!

This is an AMAZING Opportunity that I'm SO EXCITED to share with you!! So, come join my Team, and let's do this!!

Simply click the link above, then Click Coach!

If you are Active Military ---

Download and Print these 2 Forms:

Fill out the form and fax all paperwork
Under Sponsor Information, all you need to include is:

*Melissa McGuffey
*Coach ID# 119782

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Daily Motivation!

Just wanted to share a little motivation with Ya'll! Keep checking back for updates on Insanity, and check out the the posts below for information on what going on right now!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Insanity Fit Test 2!

So, as I'm sitting here drinking my P90X Results & Recovery Drink - The BEST post workout Companion (; ...I'm going to share Mine & Danny's 2nd Fit Test with Ya'll!! Just like before they'll be like this - Danny's/Mine.....

Switch Kicks - 65/50 ...   25/10 Improvement 
Power Jacks - 50/45 ...   20/21 Improvement
Power Knees - 60/50 ...   20/10 Improvement 
Power Jumps - 21/16 ...   2/12 Improvement 
Globe Jumps - 8/6 ...        1/1 Improvement
Suicide Jumps - 12/8 ...     2/0 Improvement
Low Plank Oblique - 55/35 ...  5/15 Improvement

So, there ya have it! Stay tuned for our next Fit Test in 15 Days, and more about our results, healthy recipes, and more!

Want to try Insanity for yourself?! Click Here! then click Shop!