Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Insanity "Recovery" Week

So, Today starts the "Recovery" week of Insanity, before I move into the CRAZY INSANE "Results Month". I have already lost 12 lbs, between Insanity, and Shakeology!! I absolutely love the results I'm getting, and am excited to see what the next Month brings!

I think I might want to do another Round after this! I was going to move on to Tai Cheng ( Tai Chi ), but depending on how far I get with month 2, I may want another round to reach some goals! My favorite thing about Insanity is how fast and fun it is. There's no getting bored at all! If I'm on a treadmill ... I get bored and get off. But with this, I'm having fun the whole way through! And just when I feel like I can't possibly get up and go more, I do! I have come so far in my energy and endurance. I also recover faster. At first, the 30 second breaks seemed soo short! Now, I grab a drink of water, and am ready to get right back in it. I've had an increase in strength too! This might sound silly, but I want to share a little story with ya'll here. ..

My husband used to be a Union Electrician, so he has this Metal Tool Box FULL of tools. I mean, like 5 or 6 different things of each type of tool...pliars..screw drivers...a hand saw...and I don't even know what else. The thing weighs like 60 lbs! Before I started working out back in October ( p90x ), it was all I could do just to move the thing. Danny ( Hubby ) always got a kick out of saying, "pick that thing up" and watching me grunt and whine about how heavy it was. Well, Easter Sunday, we were at his mom's and a friend of his had borrowed his tool box, and then dropped it off there when he was finished. When we were getting ready to leave, we were gathering gifts, kids, a high chair, and the tool box. Danny asked his mom to help me because I had our youngest on one hip, and was going to grab the high chair, and he said "I know I'm the only one able to carry this" talking about his tool box. I took it as a challenge ( haha! ) and I was like here, let me do it. So I picked it up with one hand and started toward our truck with it. I couldn't believe it!! And neither could he! He followed me, carrying the high chair saying "Look at you!!" I carried it all the way up the hill to our truck with our youngest on my other hip! And then set it up in the bed of our truck! I felt soo good about that! To feel how much my strength has improved is just an amazing feeling!! I wasn't even out of breath! After Insanity, everything else just feels EASY!  Nothing like that feeling!

So there's my little Mini Success Story! Just a small entry in the BIG Story I'm writing! I hope ya'll will stay tuned and follow my Journey! And if you want to join me, I can help you get started writing YOUR own Success Story!

Stay Tuned!!

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