Saturday, May 5, 2012

Your Chance to Win a Victoria's Secret Gift Card!

Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Starts May 21st!!

Leandro Carvalho is the Trainer to Victoria's Secret Models, and his workouts are the reason their booties look so great in Victoria's Secret Lingerie! Join my Challenge and get your Booty Lifted & Sculpted! AND when you join my Challenge you will have a Chance to win a Victoria's Secret Gift Card!!

Just go to the Website listed, and then click Take The Beachbody Challenge!!
Then either Find me on Facebook!

And let me know you're joining my Challenge!

Winner will be chosen by the best transformation/results!
So you will need to take a Before Picture, so you can take an After!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

During the whole Month of May, I will be giving away some great gifts!! Read on to see how you can get one!

In Celebration of May being my Anniversary month ( I'll have been weith the Love of my life for 12 years, and married for 9 on May 8th! ) I'm going to share some love with ya'll! (:

So, here's how to get the Free Gifts! OH! And there is no entering to win, you will receive these gifts for doing the following! ....

Purchase a Challenge pack from me anytime during the Month of MAY! Choose your Program, and it comes with your FIRST month of Shakeology HD ( Home Direct - FREE Shipping! ) and a 30 Day free Trial of Club Membership with Team Beachbody! And of course, my dedication to you, to help you reach your Fitness Goals! Club Memberhsip get's you 10% off all future purchases, including Shakeology! Meal Planner & VIP Access to the Trainers!

What do you get for doing this?! ....

You will receive a Free T Shirt with your Program's Logo on it from me!

Want a BONUS Gift? Join as a Coach! When you sign on as a Coach when you purchase a Challenge pack, your sign up fee of $39.95 is WAIVED! You will receive 25% off all your Future Purchases, and get to earn money helping other get fit!

You will receive a Free Logo-ed Tote Bag along with a Free T Shirt, for signing as a Coach! ....

So what are you waiting for? Here's YOUR Chance to write your own success story!

Read on for the 2nd way to get a free gift! ...

Not ready to dive into a Program yet, but still want to take your Health in the right direction? Great!! ....

Sign up on Shakeology HD ( Home Direct - Free Shipping! ) anytime during the month of May, and receive this Free Shaker Cup!

20oz of Shakeability!! This cup is awesome for on the go, or at home!! Just Blend your Shakeology, and pour it into your Cup before you leave the house, or take your Shakeology with you, and shake it up after you get to work, or where ever you're going! 

So, who am I going to be sending gifts to??

Just visit to get started! Once you have ordered either your Challenge Pack, or Shakeology HD, send me an Email: with your address, and I'll send you your gift!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A few of my Favs!

I wanted to share a few of my Favs with ya'll! ...

My husband brought these home to me a couple nights ago. They're Whole Wheat, and Dill! Seriously? What could be better! They're so amazing and I'm sad my hubby forgot to stop and get more for my snacks.

Sweet Potato Fries! Slice them up, drizzle with a little Olive Oil, roast them on about 450 in the oven, sprinkle with a little kosher salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper! Heaven! 

I LOVE Hot Sauce!! I eat it on almost everything! Including my next fav ...

Oven Fried Chicken!! Who needs a deep fryer when you have an oven?! Marinate your chicken for at least an hour, then add some whole wheat bread crumbs, season your bread crumbs ( I like a little salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder and onion powder ) and pop them in the oven!

Roasted Cauliflower! Olive Oil and a little Paprika, roast on 450 for about 15 minutes or so, till they're tender and slightly golden, sprinkle with a little fresh Parm while they're still pipin hot!

Who doesn't LOVE a Grilled, perfectly seasoned Steak?! Ok, I know some people don't, but I do!

Fresh Dill!! I sprinkle it on everything when I have it! I can not wait till I have some fresh out of our garden! I even eat it by its self! Speaking of Fresh out of the Garden ...

There is nothing better than walking through my Garden and Harvesting all my yummie , beautiful Veggies! And turning them into salads, and canning them!

I love this! Mix it with some Fat Free Sour cream, and have a couple TBS of it with my Veggies! Mmmmm!!

I ADORE my P90X Results & Recovery Formula! It tastes AAMAZING and helps me to not be so sore! It's ONE of the things I LOVE about working out - I get to have this after!

My current Program!! I'm in love with Insanity! Yes, it's hard, but my body craves it and I have had some amazing results!! Down 12 lbs in one month in combo with eating right, which includes ....

My Vegan Tropical Shakeology!! It's Nutrient packed with 70+ High Quality Ingredients! It has improved my energy, my mood, my weight, and I just feel amazing when I drink it.

Energy & Endurance! This helps me push harder in my workouts, and gives me the boost I need! No Crashing or jitters! Just add a scoop to about 6 oz of water about 15-30 minutes before my workout, and I'm good to go!

P90X! This is where my Journey began! It's an amazing program, and I gained so much strength! And who doesn't love Tony Horton?! He's hilarious and makes it fun to workout!

So, there yah have it. A few of my Favs! What are some of your favorite things?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

100 Doctors Don't Lie!

100 Doctors Don't Lie! 
Watch this video, then comment below!

Something to think about.

Shape it up!!

Isn't it time to finally reach those Fitness Goals?! Get in the best shape of your Life!! Have tons of energy and take pride in what your hard work has sculpted your body into? 

Are you Ready? I'm here to Help! I'll support and motivate you every step of the way!

So let's get started!!

Get you FREE Team Beachbody Membership ... ( this will make me your Coach! )

You can also join My Challenge if you're ready!! What better way to get started?! Starts May 6th!!

So, let me ask you this, What do YOU want?! (: